12 results found
Mbox support for MailBee.NET Objects
Since MailBee.NET Objects supports Microsoft Outlook PST files, it would be nice to add additional support for the Mbox file format used by Mozilla Thunderbird, Postbox etc.
2 votes -
I I ask that with "Address Validator" can programmatically determine if the email address is "normal" or if email address is "PEC".
I I ask that with "Address Validator" can programmatically determine if the email address is "normal" or if email address is "PEC".
1 vote -
Support inline Base64 encoded img tags in LoadBodyText()
MailMessage.LoadBodyText() with the ImportBodyOptions.ImportRelatedFiles flag does not properly handle inline images.
E.g. <img src="[...]65tDF">It would be awesome if inline encoded images were extracted, saved to temp files, added as attachments, and the img src replace by the newly generated content-ids.
2 votesAdminAfterlogic (Manager, AfterLogic) responded
The very purpose of base64 encoded images is that they don’t need to be saved elsewhere (processing becomes simpler, less requests to the web server and so on). We got some requests to do opposite thing – embed attachments as base64 images instead of adding them as separate entities.
Property which controls whether MSG attachments are converted to EML during the conversion or are left as-is (MSG)
Converting MSG attachments to EML should be optional. With the current behaviour it is impossible to extract the original MSG attachment from MSG emails and we can not provide standard file options to our customers (save-as, attach to new email etc.).
1 vote -
Support for overwrite file option in SaveHtmlAndRelatedFiles method
Support for overwrite file option in SaveHtmlAndRelatedFiles method
1 vote -
Add support for creation and modification of multipart/report (RFC 6522) messages.
MailBee.NET Objects currently does not understand the top level Content-Type container of "multipart/report". This multipart container allows reports on previously sent messages. It reports useful information in both a human and machine readable format that, among other purposes, allows mail user agents to keep track of the disposition of sent messages and convey message disposition notifications (MDNs, RFC 3798) between mail gateways.
MailBee.NET objects do not currently support the creation of MDNs. It rewrites existing messages as “multipart/mixed” if an MDN needs to be recreated due to change in message data. Support of “multipart/report” MDNs will allow for standards compliant…
7 votesMDN functionality is added to the internal builds and will be officially presented in the next version. Please contact us via Helpdesk if you need beta build now.
Option to remove angle brackets surrounding Content-ID
In MIME document URI is without the angle brackets
1 vote -
Bounce Processing: Support Autoreply / AutoResponse / OOO Messages
Currently, bounce processing only supports messages that contain a MDN attachment (read receipt) or DSN (bounce message).
I am hoping you are willing to integrate functionality to determine if an email is an AutoReply (such as Out of Office) when it does not contain either of the above attachment. I have made my own, but it would be better if MailBee can return a valid Result to DeliveryStatusParser.Process and CommonType and DetailedType that notes it is an Automatic reply. This will enable better rules such as present in the DeliveryStatusParser, possibly subject rules and AddressChanged differentiation.
My simple implementation uses…
6 votes -
Implement Exchange activesync protocol wrappers
Microsoft opened documentation for Exchange activesync. It will be cool to have a .net wrappers over client and server side of Exchange activesync protocol. Like "Z-Push" project. Not a easy task, but we are ready to purchase :)
22 votes -
Add Message.HasRealAttachments Boolean Property
After downloading the entire message, we should iterate through MailMessage.Attachments collection and check how many attachments have .Inline=False. If you found any, the message has at least on real attachment.
Because we need to quickly detect if message has real attachments or not (not inline attachments) this property can help a lot :)3 votes -
Add IMAP.DownloadMessageHeader Method
According to AfterLogic, it's an excessive addition to the list of methods.
The only similar command is:MyMessage = MyIMAP4.DownloadEnvelopes(Counter, False, EnvelopeParts.Envelope Or EnvelopeParts.MessagePreview, 0).Item(0).MessagePreview
But it has 2 possible exceptions:
1. Item.Count = 0
2. MessagePreview is NothingI still think DownloadMessageHeader is not a very excessive addition and will be so easier to use for newbies and the ones who don't want to get in the complex structure of IMAP servers.
1 vote -
Add options to SMIME.Sign
- Do not detach signature from signed data
By default the signature of a signed message will be sent in a separate MIME entity. This allows non SMIME supported clients to still read the message although they can not verify the signature. Setting this option encodes the complete SMIME message into one MIME entity so that only SMIME supported clients can open the message.
- Do not send the sender's certificate
With this option the message will be a little smaller, but the recipients won't be able to use my certificate to encrypt a reply.
5 votes
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